Text to Speech MP3 Converter

Use our online Text to Speech converter to generate realistic AI voiceovers for your projects and download the audio files in MP3 format.

800+ Ai Voices • 60+ Languages • Commercial use

Trusted by users and teams of all sizes


How to convert Text to Speech and download in MP3 audio format?

1. Type or paste your text

Type or paste your text script in our online Text to Speech converter. You can access the TTS converter once you sign up and click the ‘Create Audio’ button.

2. Select an Ai Voice in your language

Choose from 800+ AI Voices in 100+ languages and accents. PlayHT’s voice generator offers the widest variety of voices. Select a voice that you like to create your recording.

3. Select MP3 format

PlayHT offers MP3 and WAV format to export your audio files. Select the MP3 option with 24Khz sample rate.

4. Listen to your text before converting

Use the ‘Listen’ button to read out the text and preview the audio. This allows you to fix pronunciation errors, tones and add pauses. Make sure the voiceover is perfect before converting it to an audio file.

5. Convert your text into audio

Click the ‘Convert to Speech’ button to synthesize the text in to voice and generate the audio file.

6. Download the audio file in MP3 format

It usually takes a couple of minutes to generate the audio file. Once ready, click the ‘Download’ button to export MP3 the file to your computer so you can use it in your projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, PlayHT offers conversion of text into audio which can be exported as an audio file in MP3 format.
Yes, PlayHT offers upto 600 free word credit for you to carry out Text to Speech conversions and try out the different voices avaialable. The free trial let’s you use all the features and make sure PlayHT’s software is a good fit for you. Once you are happy with the trial you can purchaes more word credit from the Pricing page.
Yes, of course you can download the MP3 files you create on PlayHT. You own all your files when you create them, therefore, you can download them anytime. PlayHT offers unlimited downloads so you can download them any number of times.
The average Text to Speech MP3 file is around 3-10 MB. It depends upon the amount of text you convert to speech. Converting a text script of a few hundered words generates a file less than 5 MB. Converting text in the range 5,000 - 10,000 generates an audio file of 10-20 MB. MP3 is a lossy and light-weight format. Therefore, the audio files are generally of smaller size compared to WAV format.
PlayHT support 8Khz, 16Khz, 24Khz and 48Khz sample rates for your audio files. Please note that not all voices support the higher sample rates.
Other than MP3 format, PlayHT supports WAV audio format.ery easy since you would have access to the same voice all the time.
Depending on the amount of text you convert, the speech synthesis process could take anywhere between a couple of seconds to several minutes. For example, if you are creating voiceovers for a video then you will probably be converting a few hundered words of text to audio, and this should only take 2-5 minutes to convert. On the other hand, if you are converting a long form article to audio with several thousand words, the conversion could takes somewhere between 10-15 minutes.
There are numerous advantages to using MP3 format while creating Text to Speech voiceovers. MP3 is a very popular format and is supported by almost all applications. Therefore, you won’t run into compatibility issues. MP3 files are also smaller in size while being higher in quality.